A downloadable asset pack

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Inspired by Marble Madness

Released as Public Domain - CC0.  Use in any type of project.  No need for attribution

This kit includes 6 primitive models, fully textured.  The texture is in a grayscale with the ramps and sides darker than the top, allowing these to be used unlit and still portray shadowing.  All of the screenshots are taken with an unlit shader.

A Unity project is included with all models already in prefabs, along with a custom shader that simply multiplies a color with the grayscale texture.  10 sample materials are included to cover most primary colors.  I recommend using MAST - Modular Asset Staging Tool (also free) to assemble and paint these within Unity.

Also includes each model in FBX format, as well as the Blender source.


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

outlined primitives.zip 256 kB
Outlined Primitives.unitypackage 401 kB

Development log


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I was looking for assets that similar to a game called ballance but found these and loved them 

Thanks.  I looked up Balance and I think those models are quite easy to replicate.  Find me on my Discord https://discord.gg/eMKJ5U5 and I may be able to whip up some customs for you.


You should also add the license into metadata for the asset packs:

"Edit asset pack->Metadata->Release Info->License for assets" It will increase the size of audience that will be able to find your art


Thanks.  I will do that for all my kits that are CC0


If you think that it was useful for you, you can leave a comment here to support my proposal about making metadata more visible for those who are interested in it https://itch.io/t/2919128/metadata-encouragement#post-7952450


Marble Madness on NES! I loved that game. Wore calluses onto my left thumb playing on on the NES D-pad. Haha. I even made an homage to that game for a game jam once. This is fantastic, I'll check it out in Unity. Thanks.


Snake Rattle & Roll :)